
I’m Kelly Albert a.k.a Gateau Superstar! By day, I am a senior publicist, foodie contributor and former radio host. On my off-hours, I am a passionate foodie, baker and cook.

I don’t always follow a recipe (bad habit). But when I do, I want to share them with you! Follow along with my kitchen successes and sometimes failures!

Latest Recipes

Kelly Albert Kelly Albert

The Natasha Hall Mojito Cookie

When I was thinking of a cookie recipe that would best represent Natasha, I thought of a mojito. Bright, refreshing and fun! These cookies have fresh mint, lime zest and a touch of rum to give it that vacation feel. I hope you love them!

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Kelly Albert Kelly Albert

The Aaron Rand Brown Butter Spice Cookie

For Aaron’s cookie, I wanted a special cookie with some classic flavors. I used brown butter which add an almost toffee-hazelnutty flavor to the cookies. They also have some warm, cozy spices and a bit of honey. I hope you love them!

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Kelly Albert Kelly Albert

Morning Glory Muffins

I love a muffin that is one part good for you and one part treat. I find Morning Glory muffins are a good combination of that. Full of apple, carrots, dried fruit, nuts and warm spices -it is like an extra special carrot cake. And honestly, no one would judge you if you added cream cheese frosting on top.

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Kelly Albert Kelly Albert

My birthday cake!

I generally don’t bake for myself but I came up with the idea that I would bake something super elaborate for my birthday that I would never in a million years bake for myself. And a new tradition was born!

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Kelly Albert Kelly Albert

Easy-peasy Pizza Dough

This is a super easy-peasy pizza dough and you don’t need any special equipment. There are definitely more elaborate pizza dough recipes using 00 flour or fermenting the dough for 24 hours. This is not one of those recipe!

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Kelly Albert Kelly Albert

Holly Jolly Dolly Bars

This recipe is inspired by Hello Dolly bars a.k.a Magic cookie bars. I tried to give it a little festive spin for the holidays hence the name: Holly Jolly Dolly Bars. Was I incredibly proud of myself when I came up with this ridiculous name? Absolutely.

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Kelly Albert Kelly Albert

Risotto with Brussels sprouts and bacon

If you listen to Montreal Eats on CJAD 800, you know that I have a segment called Chopped: Fridge. Listeners call or text in with ingredients in their fridge or pantry and I help to put them together in a meal. This risotto came about in that exact way. I was trying to figure out what to make for dinner with Brussels sprouts, bacon and chicken stock in my fridge. Thus, this risotto recipe was born!

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Kelly Albert Kelly Albert

Lemon Loaf

This is such a really lovely snacking cake to accompany coffee or tea. I find it is quite similar to a lemon loaf that you get at a certain coffee shop chain. You know the one… with the green mermaid

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Kelly Albert Kelly Albert

Easy Strawberry Topping

A really lovely strawberry topping to accompany your cheesecakes, ice cream, yogurt, waffles, pancakes and so much more!

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Kelly Albert Kelly Albert

Mascarpone Cheesecake

If you are a fan of cheesecakes, you won’t be disappointed. This one isn’t as decadent as a regular cheesecake and has a lovely brightness from the lemon juice and zest.

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Kelly Albert Kelly Albert

Peach Scones

These tasty peach scones are amazing with fresh summer peaches but they work well with frozen too!

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Kelly Albert Kelly Albert

Caprese Orzo Salad

It is hot and soupy in Montreal right now. The last thing I want to do is turn on the oven. This pasta salad is a great lunch or side salad for a meal or picnic!

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Kelly Albert Kelly Albert

Italian-ish Meatball Soup

This is a souper (tee hee!) easy recipe. You can use frozen prepared meatballs and store-bought stock to make your life easier.

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Kelly Albert Kelly Albert

My Favorite Waffles

Sundays are for waffles and after years of tinkering with the recipe, this has become my go-to.

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Kelly Albert Kelly Albert

Chorizo and Kale Soup

I love soups of all kinds. This one has a lovely smokiness from the chorizo and lots of vegetables …you know for balance ;)

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